Monday, July 25, 2011

Magic word...

My daughter really wanted something the other night. I was busy in the kitchen and not giving her the attention she demanded. She walks to her daddy in the living room to make her request. When he asked her what the magic word was, she shouted "AFLAC!"

Sometimes you just have to laugh (until you cry!)...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lemonade makes it better...

My daughter turned three today. She is at the age where: what is hers is hers... What is mine is hers... What is anyone elses is hers...

So, as I was trying to get ready this morning, she followed me into the bathroom. She first requested some make-up application. (By request, I mean politely demanded...) After brushing some powder over her face, she looked at me and calmly said "Momma, I need lem-nade." I told her that we don't have any lemonade, but maybe we can get some later.

She looked at me again and her voice got a little louder... "Momma, I NEED lem-nade!" Again, I told her we didn't have any.

She then looked at me, clearly frustrated at my dismissal of her need. Pointing to her knee, she dramatically exclaimed "Momma, I NEED a lem-nade to make my boo-boo better!!!"

I then, of course, gave her a "lem-nade" from the first aid kit.

Sometimes, you just have to laugh...

An intro to chaos...

I am the mother to a 3 year old girl and a 19 month old boy. Having two kiddos who are 17 months apart is crazy enough... But, I also teach kindergarten. My days are filled with the love, hugs, dirty hands and insights to life. I have been teaching for 12 years. In that time, I have heard some of the funniest things! So, I decided to start this blog to share the things that make me laugh, and the things that make me go hmmm...

Hope you enjoy it!